Friday, October 22, 2010

In light of the non-holiday!

Halloween is around the corner and though I don't recognize it as any kind of a holiday I do enjoy catching a scary movie on AMC from time to time... When I lived with my roommates Caleb and Clay a scary movie in October was a must... But I differ from most when I think of what is scary and what is not... I like reality, the fact that a movie is plausible or at the very least is set up so you think it is happening makes the effect more chilling than a slasher that can never die. Also I hate movies that "jump the shark" which is going too far to scare you that it actually does the opposite... For example with the movie Creepshow, I liked the short story of the box that is found in the basement of the university, it's eerie, creepy and makes you wonder what is in there. However when they show they beast it made me completely shut down and I was just disappointed. I've compiled a list of my personal opinion some of the world's scariest movies/shows whatever. Since this is my opinion of course you can disagree, I would like to know what others you felt got nixed or ones you disagree with...

1.)The Exorcist
Scary, freaking and something that does actually happen

2.) The Shining
"All work and no play," the hotel is creepy and the back story is crazy! I've heard the book is better but the movie is dang good...

3.) The Wicker Man (1970s)
Nick Cage's version is crap, but the independent original from the 70s had all the things necessary to blow your mind... the final scene is one of the creepiest I've ever watched...

4.) The Midnight Sun (Twilight Zone)
This episode is among the best, and the ending gives leaves you feeling empty, a sign of a great film, the fact that they can do this in less than 30 minutes makes it more impressive

5.) The Mist
Before you judge this one, you got to understand where I come from. This movie was set up to make you feel like this was happening and if the creatures weren't enough, you have the people turning into creatures themselves as the fear engulfs them... This movie, in my opinion, was absolutely great and proved that Stephen King is still a master of horror...

Now i know i have left some good movies off but these are 5 movies that blew my mind and royally scared me... Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Smoke if you got 'em

It's been awhile, Spring break wrecked my schedule and so I am trying to get back in the habit. I've been listening to a ton of music lately and I feel real inspired to write some new music. Hopefully I get it down before school starts getting too busy. I was reading the last post and I realized I was promoting the Boys Like Girls (BLG) show. Well bad news struck and BLG backed out of their contract causing the show to be canceled. I have been told you can seek refunds from the place of purchase, if you're reading this and you happen to have tickets for the show. We aren't real happy but there's really not much we can do except find another route to greatness. As though this one show was the difference. Well not a lot to say. Mona was great on Saturday, too bad I looked like an idiot all night, hopefully that's the last time in a long time, preferably never. Long story, and I'm not one to flaunt my biz online. Welp I'm out...


NOW PLAYING: U2- "Where the Streets Have No Name"

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I just might puke...

So i was sitting here with my fiancee today and we were talking about one of Bernoulli's (my band) upcoming show. It's supposedly is going to be for 5000+ people and so in my mind I'm thinking that is about the same size as like a Bogart's or Madison theatre so we did research. Try 4 times the size of those venues. That alone makes me a little nauseated. I have full confidence in the guys in the band it's just the unknown always seems a little unstable. Today was a great day though, I woke up to do a photo-shoot with my side project Starving in the Belly of the Whale ( and the morning was gorgeous. Not only that but ever since the iPod player in my car left I've had to listen to the God awful radio and they were actually playing music I could stand, including "Best of You" by the Foo Fighters and I truly forgot how good that song is. I think I would put it in my top 10 songs from the last 20 years. So thinking of that it got me thinking what songs would actually be in that list and so right now I am compiling a list of the best 10 or 20 songs songs since 1990, and the criteria is songs, in my opinion, that I play over and over and they never really burn out. As soon as I hammer out the kinks I will post it for all to see. Well at least for the 3-4 of you that might actually still read blogs.


NOW PLAYING: "Best of You" - Foo Fighters

Friday, March 5, 2010

Please read before you read ANY of my blogs...

If I am lucky enough to have any readers, I figured I could use a place to express my thoughts on life, society and music, that isn't so mainstreamed and keeps me from writing cynical status updates on facebook. I'm really not super pumped about how we as a society are moving to this online networking thing. It has it's ups and downs but I'm just sick of the twitter, facebook society that only seems content on one-uping what happened the day before. Hopefully I'll have time to write on here quite a bit, and with any luck maybe some people might read what I have to say. I'll feel better just to be able to document my thoughts, where I can go back and look on them and be able to see how I grow. Not going to say much more today but you should probably know these are opinions that I have formulated over my life and there are very few things set in stone. A foolish man i s a man who thinks he is never wrong and I promise you I have been, am and will be wrong from time to time. With that little disclaimer enjoy what you read and I look forward to having many discussions with the readers, if any...


P.S I liked how Xanga and MYspace had the now playing thing, I didn't see one on here so i'll make one...

NOW PLAYING: I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry- Hank Williams