Friday, March 5, 2010

Please read before you read ANY of my blogs...

If I am lucky enough to have any readers, I figured I could use a place to express my thoughts on life, society and music, that isn't so mainstreamed and keeps me from writing cynical status updates on facebook. I'm really not super pumped about how we as a society are moving to this online networking thing. It has it's ups and downs but I'm just sick of the twitter, facebook society that only seems content on one-uping what happened the day before. Hopefully I'll have time to write on here quite a bit, and with any luck maybe some people might read what I have to say. I'll feel better just to be able to document my thoughts, where I can go back and look on them and be able to see how I grow. Not going to say much more today but you should probably know these are opinions that I have formulated over my life and there are very few things set in stone. A foolish man i s a man who thinks he is never wrong and I promise you I have been, am and will be wrong from time to time. With that little disclaimer enjoy what you read and I look forward to having many discussions with the readers, if any...


P.S I liked how Xanga and MYspace had the now playing thing, I didn't see one on here so i'll make one...

NOW PLAYING: I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry- Hank Williams

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